Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Still Truckin'

Still writing. I’ll update my word count tonight. It should be better than it has in the past week (hopefully at least double). We’ll see though. You know, Chris (the founder of NaNoWriMo) says that the first week is full of flowing words and crazy ideas. Both HTE and I have found the opposite to be true. We are both writing better in the second week than the first. Why? Who knows. We have a very similar writing style and I believe it works for us. Slow start, flowing middle, rough end. I know I’ll be changing my beginning at least a dozen times when I start editing. Until then, I’ve turned the letters red and let myself move on. According to the averages of NaNo…I should be at a little less than 12.5K. This morning I started out at less than 2K. Hmmm. I may need to push myself. *huge grin*



Blogger Kim Knox said...

I still have 2k to write for today *sigh* Because I started at the end of the beginning/early middle of Alchemy it's starting to chug slowly now. I hate the middle of a story LOL

It's great that you've found your stride. I read through mine today and the 12k is not as truly dire as I first feared LOL

10:07 AM  
Blogger The Sidhe said...

LOL. I'm glad to hear it's not as bad as you'd thought. I hate the beginning, myself. LOL.

10:08 AM  

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