Friday, November 03, 2006


100 words. I only completed ONE HUNDRED WORDS yesterday. *sigh* I'll have to work on it today. TGIF, people. I needed it.

So on the homefront, kenderkin is doing great. His baby wellness checkup is next week so we'll see how much the monster's grown. LOL. HTE is doing well. His frustrating writing day ended in completing several other projects he'd been stressing over, so all in all, not bad. Yesterday was unproductive for me, but his head is flowing with ideas.

I'm still optimistic about NaNo. So, we're getting a late start. Who cares, really. I mean, after all, when have HTE and I EVER done anything the easy way? We love a challenge. *huge grin*

On the work front...I've been extended yet another year. I'm not leaving this neck of the woods until 2009. I'm not sure how I feel about that yet, but it does mean that I have longer to stabilize. Kenderkin will be almost three and we'll have paid back some considerable debt. Other than that, I'm not really sure, except to say I'm SOOOO happy I've switched to teaching a different block. Another three years in my previous one would have killed me!

Anyway, back to the grind. Have a great day all. Good luck on day three!

I'm out.


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