Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Working on NaNo

I'm working on my outline for NaNo. I'm loving it! Granted, I may change it a hundred times or my characters may make their own decisions, but we'll see. I've invited a few old friends. I wonder how many of them will take the challenge.

Little man is having a rough day today says HTE. I miss them so much during the day (yes, even when the kiddie throws a fit).

I've officially closed my writer's blog. I'll have one later on my website, but until then, I'm keeping the updates here.

It's been chilly the last few days. I have to pick up some workout gear for my fitness formations. I had to hold off until after having the little one, so (of course) my clothing sales store didn't have any more uniforms. Yes, a uniform to go running in as well. That's the way of it. If they don't have the pants today I'll be getting sweats. Until I'm released by my ortho doc, I can't run, but I'll walk with the best of em.

So back to writing again. On the way home from work yesterday, HTE and I had a chat about one of my WIPs. Through our conversation I realized that I was looking at the story from the wrong angle. I was telling the wrong story. HTE made a few recommendations that got my brain running. And suddenly...the story that's stalled for the past six months has a new life. I'm writing scenes and rewriting parts that I didn't like or didn't work. It's becoming what I hope to be a better evolution of my original story idea. We'll see though.

I'll keep ya posted.

Till then, I'm out.


Blogger Kim Knox said...

Ah, have you got your essential, home-made Nano cover to go with your outline, character sheets and unlimited supply of caffiene for the month of November...?

I spend yesterday doing one instead of writing, LOL

Kim Rees

12:40 PM  
Blogger The Sidhe said...

ROFLMAO. I have unlimited caffeine, quickie meals are planned already, and no cover sheet yet. I'll have to work on that. hehe.

8:26 AM  
Blogger Kim Knox said...

Shocking! There're only 4 and a bit days left...

Here's mine:


Don't you just love Morguefile...? *grin*

12:26 PM  

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