Wednesday, November 08, 2006


So, I didn't make my 12.5K goal for the week, but I DID get a large part of the house clean, finished paperwork I'd been avoiding for months, learned a few new things about ventilators and anesthesia systems (what I'll be teaching on in a few months), decided on an educational direction, enrolled in a mentor program for officer training, helped HTE by taking the kiddie while he worked on his car, developed three outlines for new WIPs (yeah, yeah I know), developed a budget, coordinated leave, and caught up on all of my email.

Nothing like a writing deadline to make me complete all my other projects. Boy I tell ya...LOL. Anyway, broke 2K yesterday. Am smoking up the computer today. Already have over 500 words for the day. Unfortunately, I'm skipping around again, but least I'm getting it done.

Later all.


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