Wednesday, September 27, 2006

What do you mean no one's open????

So...It's the middle of the night and I'm paying bills. Why? Because I'm waiting for the little one to wake up again. I didn't believe he had radar...but now I wonder.

While I'm up and sitting in the living room, he's fine. Not fussy or awake. Sleeping like a...well, like a baby LOL. The moment I lay down, however, whether on the couch or in bed, he wails like a banshee. I didn't know he could reach those trills, but my ears are bleeding from it. LOL.

So I sit here, updating blogs and paying bills...wondering if I can sneak off to bed this time. You all my wonder where HTE is...he's sleeping. Taking a much needed rest. Short of a nervous breakdown I won't interrupt his sleep. He's let me take naps every day for the past four and ignoring his own exhaustion. So, my love, you may be a bit upset with me when you awaken, but it's your turn to worry about your health.

Am I upset? No. I'm chatting away with Kim and enjoying the beauty of Rome through vacation websites.

Well all, it's feeding time and the Kender is being very sweet in reminding me. I wonder if babies come with volume control. :-) No? Ah well.

To all, I'm out. Have a great day.


Blogger Kim Knox said...

Handy I'm on this side of the pond to chat with in the wee small hours, LOL

Kim Rees

1:58 PM  
Blogger The Sidhe said...

LOL very true. hehe

11:56 PM  

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