Sunday, October 08, 2006

Life Happens and Why I Hate Moving

Well, it's been a hectic couple of months. I have a week to go in my maternity leave hiatus and I'm REALLY torn. How do I leave a new baby and a wonderful husband for 9-10 hours a day when I haven't been away from them for longer than two hours since the little one's been born? HTE and I have spent almost three months together and it's been great. It's amazing how well we've worked together on everything. I'm so afraid I'm going to miss a huge event and be devastated.

At the same time...I haven't been away from work for longer than a month since I started working 9 years ago (the month was a one time thing, most of my vacations consisted of one and a half to two weeks at a time). I'm truly blessed that my occupation allows me a maternity leave with full bennies. Now I feel like I have to go back and earn it.

Can you still feel like a good Mom without feeling guilty for working full time? For me, probably not. But I can't stop working. I have to. It's a drive in me. I could work from home, but I wouldn't be organized enough to keep it going. I've been making the drive "to work" for so long...

Anyway, I'm doing the best I can and trying not to break out in tears everytime I look at or hold the little tyke. LOL. I'm sure I'll be okay. I just hope HTE's prepared for the phone call bombardment when I get back to work.

On the more immediate front, HTE's fighting a very irritating (for him) virus. After a much needed rest, he feels much better. The fever's gone, but now he's feeling all the achy leftover ickies.

I ran on very little sleep last night and felt wonderful this morning. I was really afraid the near comatose life I'd been living while pregnant wouldn't go away. Thankfully, I don't need as much sleep anymore. Unfortunately, I still needed a nap today, but at least it's an improvement.

Now that the world is slowing down and I'm back to wind up to work mode...I realize how much I hate moving. HTE moved us into our apartment while I was bedrested at nine months pregnant. He was amazing. I'm still awed by how much he did for us. Now we're finally able to go through everything and put it away. I hate moving b/c of the unpacking. LOL. Once everything's where I want it to be, I'll be happy, but until then I'm feeling like I'm not *quite* home yet.'s back to writing and cleaning.

Very Happy Birthday to my stepson. The Viking is 8 now and needs a cell phone to call all his girlfriends. LOL. I hope he enjoys his gift, but I know he's beat his game already. Love ya kid.

Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian buds.

To all, I'm out.


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